Millay Colony for the Arts

Promoting the vitality of the arts and the development of writers, visual artists, and composers by providing a retreat for creative work.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

2012 Workshop Season Announced!

The Millay Colony for the Arts offers four-day retreat workshops on Colony's sylvan setting. Each class includes twelve hours of workshop time, all meals, and ample time to work, ruminate and explore our lush natural surroundings. Private bedrooms and spacious private studios are available for all participants.

These workshops offer artists a chance to delve into their work, explore new ideas, meet extraordinary teaching artists and collaborate with others while spending intense work-time on our gorgeous campus. Fragrant with blueberries, thyme, and wildflowers, the quiet loveliness of our campus provides uninterrupted calm and inspiration—the perfect retreat for creativity and relaxation.

We also offer a program of Weekend Workshops at the lovely Trisha Brown Studio in Manhattan. These two-day/eight-hour workshops offer intenstive sessions with some of the most exciting teaching artists around. Lunch included both days.

New Writing with Carole Maso
May 30 to June 2 2012

Workshop Details Coming very soon!

Carole Maso is the author of ten books including the novels The Art Lover, AVA, The American Woman in the Chinese Hat and Defiance; prose poems, Aureole and Beauty is Convulsive; a book of essays, Break Every Rule; and a memoir, The Room Lit By Roses. She is Professor of Literary Arts at Brown University and she lives in the Hudson River Valley. She says of her work, "I believe my books, darkly imagined, deeply emotional, are no less accessible than others, and require only a certain faith and willingness to surrender in order to be entered. My desire is to create spacious fields of narration in which the reader might feel alive and vibrant and possible and free."

Generating Sound in Poetry with Tracie Morris
August 30 to September 2 2012

In this course we will explore the relationship between body, page and voice. At the end of the course students can present page-based or space-based work to the community.

We'll be doing physical exercises and writing. The workshop is not restricted to any one medium and a cross-disciplinary approach is welcomed.

Tracie Morris is an multidisciplinary poet, performer and scholar and works extensively as a sound artist, writer, bandleader and actor. Her installations have been presented at the Whitney Biennial, Ronald Feldman Gallery, the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning and the New Museum. She holds an MFA in poetry from Hunter College and a PhD in Performance Studies from New York University. Dr. Morris is an Associate Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at Pratt Institute. Her poetry book, TDL: To Do w/ John (2012) is published by Zasterle Press. Rhyme Scheme, a longer poetic manuscript is published by Chax Press for publication in 2012. She is also developing two audio projects: The Tracie Morris Band and sharpmorris, a collaboration with composer Elliott Sharp.

During the months of April, May and June 2012 we will offer weekend workshops with Rachel Levitsky and Christian Hawkey, Frances Richard and Patricia Spears Jones at Trisha Brown Studio in NYC. Details coming soon...

For more information and to apply: