Millay Colony for the Arts

Promoting the vitality of the arts and the development of writers, visual artists, and composers by providing a retreat for creative work.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Hello dearies,

The last time we wrote, the snow was swirling and the winds were howling. Today is calm and lovely with Spring finally making an appearance. If you could hear the peepers outside, see the birds, and the greening lawns, you'd know how exciting it is to watch Spring come to Millay....

And meanwhile, here are some photos from our Master Class program, bringing free classes in writing and art to Germantown and Chatham High Schools...

Here is alumni artist and Master Teacher Carl Ferrero at Chatham High this month, presenting his work...

Photos from Germantown coming soon. We LOVE working with the local schools and are so grateful to the marvelous teachers, principals and administrators who make this work possible -- and to the lovely students whose work is so impressive and amazing.

We also also greatly thank all the marvelous folks at the following community organizations for their enthusiasm and support: The Hudson River Bank & Trust Foundation, The Rheinstrom Hill Foundation, and The Berkshire Taconic Community Trust/Germantown Student Education Arts and Humanities Fund.

More soon, xox