Millay Colony for the Arts

Promoting the vitality of the arts and the development of writers, visual artists, and composers by providing a retreat for creative work.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chatham Schools and Millay Colony!!

Hello hello!

As you know, The Millay Colony partners with The Germantown and The Chatham Schools to bring teaching artists into the classroom for amazing Master Class experiences in writing and the visual arts...

Here is one student's account of a Master Class with Carl Ferrero...

Ferraro talks to classEarlier this month, acclaimed visual artist Carl Ferraro visited Chatham’s senior Fine Arts Workshop class to introduce himself and his widely recognized artwork. The New Jersey native currently lives in and works out of New York City, yet teaches art classes at the Boston School of the Museum of Fine Arts.
Ferraro has expressed that throughout college and his career, people have not always been interested in the style and message of his art; however, he has stayed true to himself and garnered great success through a plethora of mediums, ranging from watercolor to graphite to oil on linen. Ferraro demonstrates a skillful ability to expose an issue and give creative voice to his opinions. One frequent theme in his work is the usage of flags. He has been using flags for many years because he likes the pattern and feels they signify students look at imagecelebration. Additionally, Ferraro often uses words in his art to more clearly send messages, bolding phrases such as “You Own Nothing” and “Everything Must Go.”
Of all his work, he cannot point to a favorite; nonetheless, his most favorite aspect of his art is (hopefully) its tendency to incline viewers to take a double take. For instance, one work illustrates a splatter seemingly of ink. Yet, after re-evaluating the piece, it is clear that the splatter is actually drawn in graphite.
The motive and purpose behind Ferraro’s art is to create something that people will want to keep looking at. Undoubtedly, his unique creative expression is evidence that we will definitely continue to look at and be inspired by his work.

-Written by Elizabeth Paolucci
Fine Arts Workshop

To find it on the Chatham Public Schools web site, visit

And more soon...

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